Sunday, November 17, 2013


These pictures are from October 14 and surrounding dates when we were went to the provinces to assess flood damage at members' homes and deal with relief issues.  The first pictures are below are members in the Battambang District and their homes.

Sister Moon got a nice ride on a home-made raft!

One of the consequences of the flood is that all the wells (most provided in years past by LDSC) were contaminated, so no clean water available from them.

This is picture from a members' home-- they had made the effort to get to church the day before, pulling most of the members of the family on the raft behind a moto which splashed its way a kilometer or so to   where the road was better.

This was as far as we could go before starting to wade through the water

On the road from Battambang to Banteay Mean Chey, and from there to Siem Reap-- we drove about 20 kilometers or more where the road was submerged.

The children are collecting small shell fish washed across the road...

He's fishing...

The kids all seemed to love it-- no school, and water everywhere to play in...

If you ride your moto cross-legged on the seat your legs don't get as wet...

This was a particular rough stretch with tons of big pot holes under the water, some big enough to swallow your car... it was an adventure trying not to get stuck...

Sister Moon and Elder Jongsma while we waded through to get to some members' homes in Siem Reap...

This is the ceremony when we donated the food and relief aid to the Governor of Siem Reap Province-- he is also the head of the Red Cross in Siem Reap.  The "ladies in red" are the local chapter of the Red Cross-- which typically means all the wives of the important government officials.

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