Friday, July 12, 2013

CICFO Orphanage

One morning before Mackenzie left we drove out to the orphanage where Chantelle had taught English and delivered some clothes that Mackenzie had helped raise donations for.  We also took them some money that family back home had sent us.  It will be put to good use.  They care for about 30 orphans there.  Ages 5 up to 18.  The director and most of her staff are LDS, and she and several of the older orphans come to church each week.  We don't let the missionaries teach the younger children.  Many of them are not "true" orphans, but rather have parents elsewhere that cannot afford to take care of them.  So there are parental consent issues.  But they all learn lots about the gospel.  BYU has interns there regularly helping at the orphanage. Two older boys are preparing for missions.

The children sang several songs in English for us-- all Primary songs.  They were all very polite and gracious and well-mannered.  The director does such a good job with them there.

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